Pooh: Hey Lilly, last week I told you that Puff and me are movie stars and had one of our videos featured on YouTube.
Lilly: Oh yeah, I'm still trying to figure out why anyone would take time from their day and watch two cats sleeping. I'd rather watch paint dry.
Pooh: Well I can tell you that almost 600 very smart people disagree with you because that's how many times our movie has been watched by an adoring public - who are asking for more!!!
Lilly: You have got to be kidding me. People are THAT bored?
Pooh: Boredom has nothing to do with the appreciation of fine artistic productions and two magnificent movie subjects. I can see it now... "The Adventures of Puff and Pooh" - how two beautiful kittens defend themselves from a polar bear-looking dog and lived to tell their tale.
Lilly: You are a sick cat. Someone must have told those 600 people that mom was giving away free dog bones or something.
Pooh: Think what you want, all I know is that Puff and I now have a following. And, due to the many requests for more, I'm going to point everyone to our famous movie... "Where did the water go?"
Lilly: You won't mind if I check it out later, right now I have some important things to do... mom needs some animal-therapy and the best thing that helps her cope with you two cats is by loving on a big dog like me. She needs to hug me and rub me all over... doesn't do much for me, but she seems to like it. She calls me her "therapy dog".
Pooh: Wow, and you think people are bored because they watch our movies? How bored must mom be?
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