Lilly: They're back . . . do you remember me telling you that the long arm of the law reached out to me as a result of our neighbor calling the sheriff because I bark?
Remember this conversation? Well, they were again called in to issue mom & dad a citation because I do what I'm supposed to do... bark!
Puff: This is so cool, Lilly the 'outlaw dog' - living under our roof... or should I say you're hiding out here?
Lilly: Yeah, can you believe this guy keeps calling the sheriff! He never calls mom or dad, just calls the sheriff . . . what a strange person we have living next door.
Puff: Are you guilty?
Lilly: Of course I'm guilty... I bark!
Puff: That guy must be like me and Pooh, he must not like dogs. I can't blame him, of course.
Lilly: Well I can tell you that dad is getting tired of this. He went to the Sheriff's office the other day to see if there was anything he could do to help solve this problem. He and the Sheriff talked for a long time and the bottom line is that mom & dad are going to go to court next month to get this taken care of.
Puff: Will they arrest you or dad?
Lilly: They will only arrest me when I start attacking cats that think they are funny!!! No one is getting arrested, the purpose of the court hearing is so that everyone can tell their side of the story and a judge (who I hope likes dogs) will decide who is right.
Puff: What's with our neighbor? How come he doesn't just ask you to shut up, or ask mom to gag you?
Lilly: Understanding human motivations and peculiarities is far above your level of understanding... I only know these things because I am "man's best friend". This neighbor is a bit eccentric and apparently just doesn't like friendly puppies like me. So, as they say in the movies,
"To be continued..."