Monday, December 18, 2006

Merry Christmas

Lilly: Pooh, you look ridiculous in that hat.

Pooh: And you think this was my idea?

Lilly: So, your paws don't reach your head anymore? You spending too much time bending over the food dish?

Pooh: Have you looked in a mirror lately? Most people can't tell if you're a polar bear or what.

Lilly: Yeah, well mom likes me best because she took me to get my picture with Santa Claus. I didn't see you getting your picture with Santa.

Pooh: Wait one minute! You think I look ridiculous in a hat, but you're all excited to get your picture taken with a guy who has the same hat and a matching pajama-outfit to boot?

Lilly: It's a people thing. They see this fellow once each year and get all excited about it. If they really like you, you're taken to meet him. I didn't see you get your picture taken, and, he gave me a treat.

Pooh: So that makes you special?

Lilly: What can I say... mom likes me best.

Pooh: I sleep with mom, you don't. When she's watching TV, I get to sit in her lap, and you don't. I get to follow her into the bathroom and where ever she goes.

Lilly: You still look dumb in that hat.

Pooh: Maybe we should do what mom asked us to do and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Lilly: Since I know Santa and you don't, maybe I should be the one to
wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Pooh: Why don't we do it together. . .

Pooh & Lilly: Merry Christmas everybody!

Lilly: Pooh, that was nice, but you still look dumb in that hat.

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