Hi gang, Lilly Belle here (you know me, I'm the Great Pyrenees puppy). In our last posting we talked aout 'ol Dad being a crafty fellow, and I have to tell you the he really likes me.
Mom and dad are concerned that I might develop "hip dysplasia" (whatever that is) because I'm such a big puppy and that is supposed to be common in large breed dogs. Well anyway, I told you that my Dad loves me and here's why I believe that...
Dad likes to take me along with him when he goes to town. He drives a huge Dodge truck that mom says she needs a step ladder to get into. They didn't want me to jump up or down from the back seat, so Dad invented a "Lilly Pad".
The back seats lift up and out of the way, so Dad built a platform that rests on the floor and he covered it with indoor/outdoor carpet. This is where I ride when we drive to town. What's more, he also built a step for me to use getting in and out of the truck. This truck step is also covered with carpet so I don't slip when I get excited. You can see my truck step here.
See, if my Dad didn't love me do you think he'd make me all these cool things? Oh and BTW, that's me and Pooh watching people walk up the stairs.
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